Input file calibration and update

The primary input file (see previous section) includes rough data as extracted from the GIS layers. Before proceeding with the electrification analysis, these values need to be conditioned and/or calibrated.

  • Conditioning makes sure that physical values (e.g. GHI, Wind speed, land cover, elevation etc.) are within acceptable limits.
  • Calibration makes sure some of the parameters (e.g. total population, urban/rural ration, electrification rate etc.) are in line with official statistics.
  • New columns are also created and support later stages of the analysis (e.g. wind capacity factor, grid penalty ratio, electrification status etc.).

Calibration with GEP Generator

The GEP Generator is an interactive interface, developed as a jupyter notebook (.ipynb) in order to support calling functions in the gep_onsset model. The GEP Generator is located in the root directory of the repository. You may access it by simply navigating there via anaconda prompt using:

> cd ..\my_designated_local_directory

..\my_designated_local_directory> jupyter notebook

Jupyter notebook will open on your default browser; simply select to open the GEP Generator.ipynb and you are set to go!

The GEP Generator runs in 9 steps (or blocks). Steps 1-5 are used to define calibration parameters and conduct the conditioning/calibration process. In particular,

  • Step 1 requires that the user provides the primary input file (see previous section)
  • Steps 2 & 4 allow the user to interactively provide the calibrating parameters
  • Step 5 conducts the conditioning and calibration process


  • Step 3 is related to the definition of scenario parameters and is discussed in more detail in the following section.
  • The GEP generator does not store the calibrated results in a separate file but rather continues right away to the scenario runs. This makes the process faster on the one hand, but it means that the conditioning and calibration process runs anew everytime a scenario is executed (only one at a time).

Calibration with gep_runner

The is an alternative way to call functions from the You may execute gep_runner in any IDE of preference, we suggest PyCharm. Interaction with the code using gep_runner takes place in the python console of your IDE. Upon initiation, the code will prompt you to select one of the three following options:

  • 1: To split countries in case of multiple country runs (used rarely)
  • 2: To prepare/calibrate the GIS input file
  • 3: To run scenario(s)

For calibration you may select option 2. Execution requires two files:

The specs file contains the parameters and their values against which the GIS data are conditioned or calibrated. The user shall fill in all necessary values in the SpecsData sheet. A description of the parameters is presented below.

Parameter Description  
Country Name of the country  
CountryCode ALPHA-2 country code as per ISO 3166 international standard  
StartYear Base year of the analysis; usually selected based on data availability  
EndYEar End year of the analysis  
PopStartYear Official population at the base year  
UrbanRatioStartYear Official urban population ratio in the base year  
UrbanCutOff Population threshold above which a settlement can be considered urban (optional)  
UrbanRatioModelled This value is provided by the model after calibration  
PopEndYearHigh Expected population at the end year based on high growth rate  
PopEndYearLow Expected population at the end year based on high growth rate  
UrbanRatioEndYear Expected urban population ration in the end year  
NumPeoplePerHHRural Number of people per household - rural settlements  
NumPeoplePerHHUrban Number of people per household - urban settlements  
GridCapacityInvestmentCost Expected investment cost per kW of additional capacity in the central grid system  
GridLosses Expected transmission ans distribution losses in the grid network  
BaseToPeak Average to peak load ratio for the grid; used for sizing additional capacity due grid extension and to accommodate reliability issues  
ExistingGridCostRatio Persentage of capital cost increase in each grid extension iteration; used to accommodate reinforcement of grid and reliability of supply  
MaxGridExtensionDist Maximum distance (in km) that MV lines can reach in each iteration loop  
NewGridGenerationCapacityAnnualLimitMW Capacity that can be added to the central grid per year of analysis  
ElecActual Official national electrification rate in the base year  
Rural_elec_ratio Official national electrification rate in rural areas in the base year  
Urban_elec_ratio Official national electrification rate in urban areas in the base year  
ElecModelled This value is provided by the model after calibration  
urban_elec_ratio_modelled This value is provided by the model after calibration  
rural_elec_ratio_modelled This value is provided by the model after calibration  
MinNightLights Nighttime light value above which a settlement can be consedered electrified; used to identify and calibrate electrification rate in the base year  
DistToTrans Distance to transformers (in km) above which a settlement can be consedered electrified; used to identify and calibrate electrification rate in the base year  
MaxGridDist Distance to T&D network (in km) above which a settlement can be consedered electrified; used to identify and calibrate electrification rate in the base year  
MaxRoadDist Distance to road network (in km) above which a settlement can be consedered electrified; used to identify and calibrate electrification rate in the base year  
PopCutOffRoundOne This value is provided by the model after calibration  
PopCutOffRoundTwo This value is provided by the model after calibration  

With gep_runner the calibration process is separated from the scenario runs. That is, the code stops once the conditioning and calibration process is complete. The result is exported in a “calibrated” input file.

The result file and the updated parameters in the specs file should be reviewed to decide whether the result is satisfactory or the process requires further calibration. Key outputs to cross-check include:

  • Population projection
  • Modelled urban/rural classification
  • Modelled electrification rate (national, urban, rural)


The conditioning & calibration process is driven by relevant functions located in One can access and modify these functions in case their existing form does not serve the intended purpose. This requires some experience with the model; in case you are a new user you may experiment with the GEP Generator first before engaging in modification of the core code.

Example of the calibrated input file

The calibration process will add the following columns to the input file.

# Column Unit Description
39 PopStartYear people Calibrated population to match with official statistics in the base year
40 Pop<year>High people Projected population in the specified <year> based on high growth indicators; for intermediate and end years
41 Pop<year>Low people Projected population in the specified <year> based on low growth indicators; for intermediate and end years
42 Pop<base year> people Calibrated population to match with official statistics in the base year
43 RoadDistClassified 1 to 5 Classified value of distance to road used to calculate grid penalty factor
44 SubstationDistClassified 1 to 5 Classified value of distance to sub-station used to calculate grid penalty factor
45 LandCoverClassified 1 to 5 Classified value of land cover type used to calculate grid penalty factor
46 ElevationClassified 1 to 5 Classified value of elevation used to calculate grid penalty factor
47 SlopeClassified 1 to 5 Classified value of slope used to calculate grid penalty factor
48 GridClassification 1 to 5 Grid extension suitability index; Higher value indicates higher suitability; based on an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) over the above parameters
49 GridPenalty number Grid extension cost multiplier based on above classification; default value 1 induces no additional costs
50 WindCF from ~0 to 1 Wind capacity factor estimated based on available wind speed and power rating of Vestas V-44 600kW turbine
51 ElecPopCalib people Number of people with access to (grid) electricity, calibrated to match official statistics in the base year
52 ElecStart 0,1 Electrification status in the base year; 0: non-electrified 1: electrified (by the grid)
53 GridDistCalibElec km Distance to nearest power infrastructure element (transformer, MV, HV); based on their availability. In case transformers are not available it will lookup the next available element (e.g. MV)
54 Elec_Initial_Status_Grid<base year> 0,1 Grid electricity status in the specified base year; 0: non-electrified 1: electrified by the grid
55 Elec_Init_Status_Offgrid<base year> 0,1 Off-grid electricity status in the specified base year; 0: non-electrified 1: electrified by an off-grid technology
56 Actual_Elec_Status_<base year> 0,1 Overall electrification status in the specified year; 0: non-electrified 1: electrified by any technology
57 FinalElecCode<base year> 1 to 8 or 99 Code of electrifying technology in the specified year (1: grid, 2: stand-alone diesel, 3: stand-alone PV, 4: Mini-grid diesel, 5: Mini-grid PV, 6: Mini-grid Wind, 7: Mini-grid Hydro, 8: Hybrid Mini-grid, 99: not-electrified)
58 GridReachYear year Estimated year that the grid might be able to reach this settlement; currently de-activated and not used in the GEP

When the calibration process is complete you may proceed with running an electrification scenario (see next section)!